AD&Co in the News

Richard Cooperstein quoted in Inside Mortgage Finance article titled "Another Perspective on GSE Capital Requirements"

Andrew Davidson & Co. executive Richard Cooperstein says the regulatory capital requirements for the GSEs should be set at 1.5 times risk capital, about 1.13%.

For access to AD&Co's December Pipeline article “GSE Capital Policy Fundamentals,” click here.

Andrew Davidson was quoted in a National Mortgage News article titled "Hurricane Ida winds may’ve damaged two-thirds as many homes as Katrina."
FRED Adds U.S. Mortgage High Yield Indexes from Andrew Davidson and Co.
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) cites AD&Co in their letter to the U.S. Department of Treasury and FHFA
Andrew Davidson was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article titled "Fannie, Freddie Capital Increase Is Endorsed by Risk Panel."
Andrew Davidson was quoted in a National Mortgage News article titled "Fannie-Freddie overseer puts squeeze on $50B bond market."